Monday, 13 January 2014


Many at times we have relationship that started very smoothly but later developed into hatred, even wishing the other partner no life or attempting to take his or her life. These are not existing only within relationships but also family circles. As a result friends are at each other neck, brother against brother, broken homes etc. We fail to realized that relationship is like a moving vehicle which needs to be maintained from time to time in other to function properly and the maintenance of relationship is "apology, the ability to say am SORRY which is the magic word that makes relationship keep moving". As a matter of fact, it has worked for me as a  husband and a father in family issues, and as a worker in the office, even getting away from issues that would have cost me dearly, just to say I am indeed very sorry, make issue resolved.
However, there is no special rudiment on how an apology should be expressed but the following tips can assist in expressing acceptable apology.
1.   Responsibility: The way a partner admits responsibility goes a long way for an acceptable apology to be tendered in a relationship to work smoothly. Either of the partners has to accept responsibility of what he did wrong, what he supposed to have done or not to do, having it in the back of mind that we are human prone to mistakes.
2.   Remorseful: The way by which regret is to be expressed for a wrong doing in a workable relationship to be sustained. Either of the partners that realized he or her wrong doing should express regret in such a language that show genuine remorseful. In other words, saying sorry for the wrong doing in such a manner that the partner will believed that the act was not intentional.
3.   Forgiveness: Asking for forgiveness for a wrong doing is an ingredient of apologizing in relationship. The partner that is saying sorry should genuinely ask for forgiveness, show that there is need to trust again, no doubt.
4.   Change: It is also a fact that accepting responsibility, showing remorseful, asking for forgiveness without ready to change from a  wrong doing or attitude will have little or no meaning in perfecting relationship. The partner taken responsibility for the above three factors should also ready to change genuinely so that the wrong done will not re-occur in future. 
      Finally, the magic word, SORRY has no limited numbers of times that it has to be said and when it is to be said, but care should be taken not to abused it. As  long as a partner continue to say sorry and the other agrees to accept, the motion at which the relationship is working will remain constant and working for ever.

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