Do you know what it is for society to appreciate a woman? It does not mean the money she possesses, not the quality of dress worn, not the type of car driven, not the quantity of make up on the face of a woman but a good HUSBAND is the mirror of a woman.
This is the story of a woman I admired so much in my child days way back in the village. The husband used to called her moon shine. They lived happily together with the mother-in-law and 4 kids; 2boys and 2 girl. The young woman was dark in complexion but the colour was shining, well polished with the good food provided by the husband. She does not used to engaged in a hard work because the husband loved her so much that he will not allowed her. She had everything a young woman will have in the village because the husband was equal to the task. But one day, fate struck, an unexpected happened, the man died of snake bit in his late fortys.
The source of livelihood stopped, even the support getting from her mother, mother-in-low, and the only surviving brother-in law, things were never the same. The woman decided to remarried, married to a man who already has a wife. At the beginning, everything looks smooth in the marriage but within few years of marriage things turned sour. She was accused of been in possession of charm which she use in the house, she was equally accused of witchcraft. Unfortunately for the woman, the only surviving child in the marriage was disable, refused to grow up. When the heat was at the pick and the woman was maltreated looking very horrible, infact she was in the shadow of herself. She left the marriage and went to leave with the mother. She never recovered from these incident for a long time. After some years with the mother, she went back to the family she left long time ago, the family I believed was created to belong to, were she was idol and worship by the late husband.
For a very long time, I continue to ask myself, is it not the same woman, moon shine, which everyone in the late husband family love and idol that was accused of witchcraft and charm making? was it not the same woman that was so beautiful and love by the villagers that was now looking like a ghost? Its is now the answers to those questions came me, that the late husband was her real husband created for her by God and that the husband was the mirror of the woman she named MOON SHINE.
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