Monday, 17 February 2014


    Basically, God created man to worship Him and by doing so, He is going to provide for man, protect, guide, keep him in a proper shape, physically, psychologically and his mental well being and in all, keep his soul in a peaceful place after passed on to eternity. Ironically, man remold and reshaped himself for the quest for riches; physical possession. Unfortunately for man, those physical possession acquired here on earth must also be abandoned on this earth and it has no help of any in the hereafter.
    The holy quran encourage muslim to work hard so as to avoid poverty and the holy bible said that money answers all things which mean that God Himself appreciate riches. But the question is what kind of riches does God supports, who is a rich man? some people acquired riches at the expense of their servants, their employee, their business partners, other acquired riches by looting the public treasury, the money that was supposed to better the life of the general citizen like what is happening in Africa, Nigeria  my country, others steal, robbed and killed to acquired riches, other lied and deceived, 419 to acquired riches, others going into drugs and prostitution, others used the name of God to acquired  riches. Then who is a rich man? Some other people may acquired theirs genuinely through hard work, business, talent or academic knowledge; they have money, assets  that can take care of his 4th generation but the more he made the money, the more his soul quest for more, these are not riches, then who is a rich man?
    A rich man is that person who is satisfied  and contented with what he has whether little or more and ready to part and sacrifice for the sake of others person's happiness and well being without expecting a return. If you are not in this group of persons no matter what you have or possessed you are the poorest of the poor and you will not have the mercy of God in the hereafter.
    Finally, riches and poverty are in the state of mind, if you have acquired much but your soul is not satisfied and you are not willing to part some, then you are poor. But if you acquire little and your soul is satisfied and willing to give out of it, you are rich.
    This story was related to me by my late mother; Aminna whom I named my first daughter after.

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